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  • JNAT 06 Shobu Asagi Tamamoku

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    Shobu Asagi Tamamoku Japanese Natural Sharpening Stone 1132g (2Lb.6oz.)

    205mmX73-75mX25-27mm for final sharpening for razor or final fine grit sharpening for high carbon steel blade

    I have got this Shobu from one of the whetstone company in Kyoto. The company used to mine Shobu (one of them, I think that Shobu had been mined by more than one company. There were more than one ore port owned by more than one company) and the other mines.

    In this time, I asked to get the whetstones for razor final sharpening (hard and very fine grit) to the company.

    Shoubu-dani is the original mine to get high quality Japanese sword sharpening in Kyoto, and the mine run out the production of the ore, and moved to the other mines, so Shobu-dani used to have really great final finish whetstones.

    It is hard and condensed Shobu asagi Tamamoku whetstone.

    It raises good amount of black slurry, but it is not much. It is smooth sharpening surface, and it might work better using Tomo Nagura or a device that raises the slurry by the Diamond plate.

    Hardness-------------- 8.9

    (Scale; 1 to 10, 1-3 is very soft muddy rough grit whetstone 3-6 is soft medium grit whetstone, 6-8 is hard medium grit whetstone; 8-10 is fine grit whetstone)

    Particle Size-------------- 9.0

    (Scale; 1 to 10, 1-3 give deep scratch marks to the steel, 3-5 is delete the 1-3 scratches, 5-8 makes the steel cloudy, 8-10 makes the steel semi-mirror finish or mirror finish)

    It makes my blue II steel blade knife Jigane to bright silver color and Hagane to mirror finish. Shobu is located on close by infamous mines such as Okudo, Ozuku , Nakayama, and Narutaki, where is the east side of Atago mountain. It is original mine of Awasedo in Kyoto since 800 years ago.

    Natural whetstone has wider capacity wider variety than artificial whetstone, and actually, we do not know until sharpen blade on the hone for a while. Because artificial whetstone molecules do not break down to smaller sizes, but Natural whetstone molecules are possible to break down to smaller sizes, and those molecules are mixed with sharpened steel molecules, and make Jigane as suitable Jigane color, and Hagane as suitable Hagane color.



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  • Heljestrand


    heljestrand sizes copy.png



    Condition: hair moistened, tip out/root in

    HHT-0 - shave: The hair can be shaved immediately at the holding point. This is strictly spoken not a true HHT, but it does tell us that the edge is capable of shaving. [all other attempts must be made at least half an inch from the holding point]

    HHT-1 - violin : The hair doesn't cut, but it "plays violin" with the edge. This is due to the shingles catching the edge, but it's not sharp enough to penetrate. On a full hollow razor, a faint ringing sound can be heard. On all razors it can be felt with the fingertips that hold the hair.

    HHT-2 - split: When it is dragged across the edge, the edge catches the hair and splits it lengthwise.

    HHT-3 - catch&pop: When it is dragged across the edge a bit, the edge catches the hair and pops it. The severed part will jump away.

    HHT-4 - pop: The hair is popped immediately when it touches the edge. It still jumps away.

    HHT-5 - silent slicer: The hair falls silently as soon as it touches the edge.

    source: http://coticule.be/hanging-hair-test.html

    Scale Patterns

    Coup Choux Club


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