Welcome to the latest incarnation of ClanDestination.
ClanDestination was created to pull together a number of disparate family resources (mostly boxes of random photos) for my family and to encourage communication and sharing in a less commercial setting than facebook.
LaBroad, Ferguson, Appel family members — including members of the extended family — are encouraged to register. Registrations require both email validation (to make sure we can contact you) and manual approval by an administrator (at this time, Bradlee). You'll get an email once your registration is complete and your account created.
After Sign In
After registration and sign-in you will have access to all site resources. You are encouraged to participate. Leave comments and add information to photos and albums as well as add photos to existing or new albums. If you have questions about using the site please feel free to ask questions. Use this site as your own!
This is a spare-time hobby for me, paid for out of my own pocket, free for you to use. As a hobby site I tinker with it frequently, which means I regularly break it while testing and experimenting
Thank you for your patience with the occasional bugs or downtime.
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